What is IMSI by Leica?

For IMSI, an alternative approach to sperm selection requires the analysis of motile sperm fraction based on morphological criteria using ultra‐high magnification (≥ 6000x) microscopy while an optical magnification of 200x to 400x is used for conventional ICSI.

How IMSI by Leica works?

The perfect combined IMSI and ICSI technique together with high magnification built with well known Leica optical quality and motorized 3-plate stage. Some organelle malformations that are not detectable using standard magnification may be seen, and it is thought that sperm selection based on these small details will improve reproductive outcomes.

Spermatozoa will be devided base on thier morphology under ultra-high magnification into 3 classes as follows:

Class I Good quality :

  • group of normal sperm with no vacuole
  • group of normal sperm with vacuole ≤ 4% (contain one or two small vacuoles)

Class II Fair quality :

  • group of normal sperm with vacuole > 4% (contain more than two small vacuoles or one large vacuole)

Class III: Poor quality :

  • group of abnormally shaped sperm

The embryologist will chooses sperm with the most normal looking heads, Class I sperm are selected first; if not available, Class II and Class III sperm are selected, respectively.

Why perform IMSI by Leica?

  • To enhance good quality embryos and blastocyst development
  • To enhance implantation rates
  • To enhance the pregnancy rates
  • To reduce the miscarriage rates

Getting Started:


  • Men with poor sperm morphology
  • Men with a higher level of DNA fragmentation in their sperm (DNA fragmentation is a sign of oxidation damage).
  • Couples with few embryos developing to the blastocyst stage.
  • Couples who have not become pregnant despite the transfer of several reasonable quality embryos